Confirmed Local Track Hosts

In addition to the online/Zoom sessions for April, May, June, and July blocks, students may also choose from the following local tracks for presentation. Note that the physical events listed are independent events and may require a separate registration and fee to attend.

Atlanta, Georgia (GT: contact Greg Durgin, durgin at Physical poster symposium on 24 April 2024 (Wednesday) on Georgia Tech campus. Open to any accepted ORSS submission, no additional fee.

Kennesaw, Georgia (KSU: contact Billy Kihei, bkihei at This hybrid symposium from 17-19 April 2024 is for KSU students only.

Idaho (contact Joshua Griffin, joshuadgriffin at This online symposium in May/June will showcase student research presentation from Idaho.

Boston, MA (IEEE RFID 2024/MIT campus: contact Gayle Goldner, gaylegoldner at This physical conference will hold a poster session for ORSS works on 6 June 2024. Attendees using this to satisfy the IEEE ORSS interactive presentation requirement will also need to register for IEEE RFID 2024 at the discounted student rate.

Application for Local Track Hosts: