Approximate Timeline of Proposer Responsibilities

The following timeline is approximate, subject to change.  Please check the website to find the most up-to-date timeline of the current year’s activities.  Note that this calendar is mostly aligned to a North American/European academic calendar – but we can accommodate any other academic calendar system (Asian, Pacific, Southern Hemisphere, etc.) provided the local proposer is willing to work loosely within the timeline below:

TimeTask for IEEE ORSS Local Proposer/Participants
Aug/Sep/wheneverYour semester begins!
OctoberTrack chairs send IEEE CRFID Education Chair Email-of-Intent to participate in coming IEEE ORSS.
DecemberSubmit formal application 
JanuaryConfirmation of participation by IEEE CRFID
FebruaryStudents continue research work, work through on-demand workshop content
MarchPractice review track due (upon request)
April-MaySubmit formal manuscript and video for peer-review (depends on track)
April-JuneReviews completed and decisions returned to authors  (depends on track)
May-JuneFinal proof copies of published papers uploaded. Local track best paper awardees announced.
May-June“On-demand” period of online video viewing wraps up
JuneConference wrap-up; accepted papers published in IEEExplore