The annual IEEE Opportunity Research Scholars Symposium (IEEE ORSS) is seeking high-quality submissions for papers (3 to 4 pages max.) in all areas of electrical and computer engineering research and application. Manuscripts must be coauthored by at least one undergraduate student or MS student and a faculty or PhD equivalent mentor. To be considered for publication in the proceedings, the submitted paper must be accompanied by a 5 minute presentation video.
Selected papers will also be invited for presentation by the undergraduate scholar at CRFID venue of author choice: IEEE RFID 2025, IEEE DTPI 2025, IEEE RFID-TA 2025, IEEE WiSEE 2025, IEEE AMES 2025, IEEE AMES 2026.
Note that the approved interactive presentation venues — other than the specified Zoom blocks — are independent events, not run by IEEE ORSS. You may need to register separately for these events.